About Us

The Owner & Pastry Chef Lily



Pastry Chef & The Owner

I have always been passionate about baking – quality ingredients, creative flavor pairings, new ideas and putting some of my heart into it.

In 2016 my older brother  Nik died by a tragic accident. It changed my life, and our family’s life. We didn’t know how to live after that.. To fight my depression I chose to cook to keep my mind busy. Very fast it turned to a profession and I decided to follow my brother’s words: “you have to do what you love to do to be happy and enjoy your life.”

 I embarked on this new adventure – and I could not be happier.  Four years later my business partner Kelly and I opened our first bakery in the USA. Although she left the business already  – I’m grateful for the time we worked together and grew together. 

With special thanks to my younger brother Andrey  – for his love and support – and dedication to tasting my baking!

And of course to my parents – nothing ever I could do without their unconditional help and support!

Inspired by Nik Baydin – and in loving memory of him.